Thursday, 6 November 2014

ARC-170 Fighter

The ARC 170 proved to be the most challenging model out of the 3 created for the animation. The main issue I had with the model was the main body. This was due to the face that the 170 is an abnormal shape with curves spilling into straight edges. The first technique I attempted was to create a cube and bevel the entirety of one side to give it a natural curved look. This worked well until i tired to use the mirror geometry tool to get the same effect on the other side, when using this tool I found I would get a line down the middle of the model where the geometry had been mirrored and this ruined the entire feel of the model. The second attempt was done by using the edge loops and the symmetry tool to model the shape I wanted on either side. The only main issue I had with this technique was that the symmetry tool would not always select the edge on the opposite side meaning I had to check the opposite side of the model after every change.     

I created the wings of the model by using the Bezier curve tool and extruding the face. I chose this method because I found it much quicker to just draw the object I wanted rather than trying to side a pre existing object into the shape I wanted. The turbine was created by modifying the edge loops on a cylinder shape and using the boolean difference tool. For the main gun on each side I simply combined basic polygon shapes with the boolean union tool.

Here is the Final Model

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