Thursday 2 October 2014

Boat Wheel

For my first attempt at using Maya I attempted to make a simple Boats wheel using Basic polygon shapes. A cylinder was used for creating the centre of the wheel and by setting the amount of segments to 6 this achieved the correct shape instead of trying to crate a hexagon manually. When creating the spokes for the wheel the duplicating tool was used rather than creating each spoke individually, this saved time and also meant for a more uniform wheel as every spoke was precisely the same size and shape. The pivot point of each spoke was moved to the centre of the wheel centre, this allowed for simple rotation of the shapes on one axis once duplicated to achieve the correct position of the spoke which saved time and also gave a more uniform look to the wheel. There was no real issues that cropped up during the creating of the boat wheel. One small issue was trying to correct the positioning of the spokes if they were moved on the wrong axis, they had to be re-created instead of corrected. I believe this to be an area of improvement for me.


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